Animal Rescue and Veterinary Center “City Dog” Fundraising Campaign


€0 Raised of 250,000€ Goal

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Welcome to our Animal Rescue and Veterinary Center “City Dog” Fundraising

At the beginning of our story, we would like to share with you our mission to create and build the first and only 24/7 available animal rescue and veterinary centre. With your help, we want to create “City Dog” and provide animals, both stray and pets, with professional medical care, equipment and emergency vehicles, in Skopje, North Macedonia, and potentially expand in the future, across Europe. Animals from any country and region are welcomed, especially the ones having no home or someone to rescue, aid and nourish them.
The video of our story will explain how we will benefit from your help, to achieve our goals and dreams.

Facts about the well-being of dogs and cats, for both stray and pets

The situation of stray and street animals in each country is different. In some places, they are treated well and taken care of, even considered as a part of the family, while others still wander the streets and stay outdoors. Sometimes they serve as a protection of property or intrusion control, but they are unlikely to receive veterinary care or any other type of care for their well-being in return.

In other communities, they dislike them and are even frightened by them, resulting in kicking, hitting, shouting or throwing stones if the animal approaches too close. Millions of dogs and cats wander the streets around the world, suffering from hunger, dehydration, exposure to bad weather and influences, injuries and illnesses, and non-human treatment by the community and circumstances.

Apart from the lack of rights, legal compliances and their own voice to defend themselves, we found additional barriers. Most come from governments and communities, which make it very difficult to deal with these street animals, to the extent of having intense inhumane treatments, such as poisoning or euthanizing them as a first-hand solution.

In cooperation with your help and local authorities, we will develop humane and sustainable programs, education, training, 24/7 emergency services, vehicles and professional veterinary care – to improve the well-being of ours and the city’s dogs and cats. Hopefully, one day, other animals too.

The increase in the animal population in our country, North Macedonia, is also a matter of animal welfare and public health and safety.

The goals of our animal welfare program

• Improve the well-being of dogs and cats by providing first aid and care, access to professional veterinary services, 24/7 available emergency transportation, temporary accommodation, and consultancy on permanent housing and adoption
• Promoting education on ethical animal treatment in the environment and community, awareness and extinction of the inhumane, deadly techniques – currently used to remove them from the streets
• Encourage positive human-animal interactions by fostering community engagement efforts to change behaviour and attitudes towards all animals
• Establish sustainable training programs and empower authorities to make it easier for local institutions to adopt and run them as their own
• Creating solutions that include monitoring, sterilization, vaccination, community engagement, education, and well-run facilities for temporary accommodation, and permanent housing/adoption

Our next steps

• Building and maintaining a special facility centre with professional doctors, equipment and vehicles to accomplish the above
• Carrying out field activities and establishing partnerships with municipalities, national authorities, local communities and animal protection organizations
• Initiate or expand existing sterilization programs
• Initiate or expand existing rabies extinction programs
• Encouraging a culture of binoculars and education
• Intervention when governments take inhumane acts against animals
• Significantly reducing homelessness among animals

Long-term goals

• Organize and participate in counselling where the main topic is “care for homeless animals”
• Proposal of measures and activities to be implemented by the authorities, governmental institutions and expert services, to improve the regulation in the field of law on protection and well-being of animals
• Participation in the maintenance and monitoring of the above-mentioned programs
• Organizing and conducting training programs for the animals and their housing
• Collaboration and partnering with domestic and international organizations in similar fields
• Providing suitable working and financial conditions for our association and team members

Please contact us if you have any ideas or other ways to help – every bit of support is highly appreciated.

Thank you! 🙂

For more information click on the links below…

Fact Sheet Description Project City Dog

Technical Description Project City Dog

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